Home Page Widgets

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It would be cool to see the user's top gainers/losers displayed on the home page.

Also, you could create other "widgets" for users to add to the sides of the home page to show their favorite data -- upcoming dividend payments, performance charting, benchmark performance, upcoming ex-dividend dates, news, etc. Then, they can just use the "Dashboard" page for more in-depth info.

That way, you can keep users on the home page longer because all the information they want to see is right there.

It will make them start using the social aspect more because it's right there, and they can easily share what's happening in there portfolio because it's on the screen in front of them.

Over time, because users will come to know all the data they want to see every day is right there on the home page, it’ll be their one-stop shop to check their portfolio, see any important news/updates, and catch up with their investor friends/favorite finance personalities.


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Top Movers are already available in our webapp directly next to the social feed.
Similar with highest trade revenue and Trending today.