Currently, the currency can only be set globally for the portfolio. At least in my case, I only created one portfolio per broker, where I both buy ETFs in the portfolio currency (CHF), and various single stocks in their original currency (USD for example) at the main stock exchange.
Even though the currency can be set differently per transaction, it does not seem possible to show the stock price in the original currency on the stock detail page. It would be helpful if this could be toggled between the portfolio currency and the original one, or even better, if you could set the currency per stock. Currently, I would have to create a portfolio for each currency per broker for it to be shown this way, which feels wrong for me.
On the overview page, I'm fully fine with showing the value in the portfolio currency, but on the stock detail page it is confusing, because the stocks are mostly only traded in a different currency.
I second that. It would in particular be very helpful when looking at the gain/loss on a stock to see the effects of currency and prices separately compared to my reference currency.
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Currently, the currency can only be set globally for the portfolio. At least in my case, I only created one portfolio per broker, where I both buy ETFs in the portfolio currency (CHF), and various single stocks in their original currency (USD for example) at the main stock exchange.
Even though the currency can be set differently per transaction, it does not seem possible to show the stock price in the original currency on the stock detail page. It would be helpful if this could be toggled between the portfolio currency and the original one, or even better, if you could set the currency per stock. Currently, I would have to create a portfolio for each currency per broker for it to be shown this way, which feels wrong for me.
On the overview page, I'm fully fine with showing the value in the portfolio currency, but on the stock detail page it is confusing, because the stocks are mostly only traded in a different currency.
I second that. It would in particular be very helpful when looking at the gain/loss on a stock to see the effects of currency and prices separately compared to my reference currency.